Experience makes a difference. With over 25 years of solid experience working with healthcare facilities and medical practices throughout the country, we bring positive attention to your healthcare organization.
In today's competitive healthcare environment, it is essential that healthcare facilities and medical practices market to the general patient population to maintain a positive presence. Through the writing and placement of feature stories, the design of effective patient workshops, the use of the social media, the scheduling of broadcast interviews, the production of podcasts, and the creation of impressive patient newsletters, we help you promote a professional image to your patients and colleagues.
Bob Kieserman has directed the undergraduate program in healthcare administration at Arcadia University, near Philadelphia for over 15 years. He is a noted healthcare consultant, the author of hundreds of articles on healthcare marketing, the author of four books on medical practice management, and a former administrator at the Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia. Bob and his healthcare public relations/marketing team have distinguished themselves as leaders in promoting healthcare organizations both regionally and nationally.